
30 Jun 2023


Meet the team

Meet the team: Nathan Patel

Nathan Patel.

What do you enjoy the most about working at Spreckley?

We’ve got a great team of Account Executives at Spreckley. Everybody gets on well, we all support each other and we all learn quickly. I can’t sing my colleague’s praises enough – they are genuinely some of the best people, and the level of teamwork and collaboration makes working here much more enjoyable.  

How did you hear about Spreckley and why did you want to join? 

No one really tells you whether you’d be a good fit for PR, so I didn’t know it was something I would enjoy until I got started.

I was contacted by a recruiter about a job at Spreckley and I realised that it suited my skills and interests. Before joining I had always had a general interest and good understanding of technology, particularly aspects of technology such as cybersecurity, so Spreckley seemed like an ideal fit.

What’s been the most exciting PR campaign you’ve worked on and why? 

I recently worked with a company called Lyras. They’re a Danish dairy pasteurisation company and we launched them to the UK market. It was interesting to work with a client operating in an industry that I hadn’t worked in before.

How many tech PRs can say that they know the ins and outs of the dairy pasteurisation tech production line, and how UV treatment of opaque liquids has completely revolutionised food production and treatment lines? Not many.

We’re lucky that we get to work on such a variety of clients at Spreckley. I actually recently wrote a blog for the PRCA on how to become a top voice in a niche industry.  

What was your first job?

I spent 6 months working editorial at a small publishing house, focused on promoting business professionals and helping them tell their stories. I realised when I joined Spreckley that the experience had actually left me with a lot of transferrable skills when it comes to constructing a strong narrative for a business.

Funnily enough my boss there was also called Richard, it’s a bit I’ve decided I’m going to commit to for the rest of my life.

If you weren’t in PR, what would you be doing instead?

I’d like to think I’d be writing because I’ve put myself in a severe amount of debt studying for a degree in creative writing. In 10 years if you see a novel about the trials and tribulations of working in the B2B tech PR industry then you’ll know where I got my inspiration from.

Tell us one thing about you that surprises people? 

I’m a massive Nicholas Cage fan. My friends bought me a cardboard cut-out of him that sits at the end of my bed and watches me sleep. Every October, or ‘Cagetober’, I spend the whole month watching Nicholas Cage films. Face/Off is a must-see action classic, and a masterpiece of film.  

No, this isn’t a joke.

What’s your favourite thing to do outside of work?

I spend most of my time watching movies or TV. I’m someone that can easily go from a week of watching Oscar-accoladed films to a week of trashy reality television. If someone reading this could commission a Nicholas Cage-themed reality series, I’d be in heaven.

Who had the most influence on you growing up?

I don’t know if I could pin any one person down as an influence. Growing up the internet and meme culture has definitely corrupted me. Never a day goes by where a random Vine doesn’t cross my mind.

What’s your go-to lunch on Leather Lane?

As one of my colleagues once said, the Peruvian chicken is so d*mn good.

The first thing I had when I joined Spreckley was the katsu curry so that will always have a place in my heart.

One of my biggest regrets in life is never having had the roast dinner wrapped in a Yorkshire pudding before that stall disappeared. I keep thinking it will come back but it’s never there anymore. I suppose the moral of the story is to take advantage of things while you have the chance, because you never know when they might not be there anymore.

What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

If I say I’ll travel more here then I might actually follow through and do it. I’ve got friends living overseas that I’d like to visit so it would be great to make time to go and see them in the near future.

Favourite quote

“It’s always nice to be included in a sentence someone says.” – Todd Chavez.