The client
Annodata is one of the leading independent managed service providers in the UK. It was established in 1988 as a pure-play provider of managed print and document services, after its founders identified a market opportunity to improve business document management practices through technology.
The goals
Print remains an important part of the business, though Annodata has evolved and rapidly diversified its service offering in line with demands from its customers and the wider market, incorporating cloud, IT and communications services into its portfolio.
The company has ambitious growth plans and aims to grow its revenues from around £70m to £100m, so enlisted the help of Spreckley to raise its profile and help it get there. Key to this was informing the industry about its move towards cloud and its rapidly expanding portfolio of services.
Annodata had done little in the way of media work when they brought us on board, so it was important that we introduced the company and its key spokespeople to the press and demonstrated to the market its new capabilities.
Case studies were critical here, as too were company profiles, thought leadership and awards. These efforts have paid dividends, and since Spreckley started working with Annodata, its share of voice in the media compared to its immediate competitors has rocketed.